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Rocket Business Tools Robot standing on computer, doing business marketing on autopilot

Pay attention to your local area today and you may just find gold there tomorrow.

April 30, 20244 min read


One of the things people ask me all the time is "How do your find leads?" Truthfully, finding leads isn't that difficult, and in many cases you can find them in your own back yard.

Rocket Business Tools Robot standing on Computer doing Business Marketing on Autopilot

In today's internet-based world, more and more small and home-based businesses are popping up on a daily basis. 👊

This means that their is a ton of business turnover in any town or city you are in. All you need to do is have a look at your local mall or shopping plaza to confirm what I'm saying. The point is that businesses continually refresh the marketplace by losses of old business and entrance of new business.

This provides a distinct advantage for the savvy marketer out there. By focusing on local community campaigns, your ads and community presence will become easily and well established within the community. As current businesses need services you provide, your business will be right in front of them. Moreover, as new businesses emerge, they will do so having seen your well established presence as the authority regarding their needs for your services. These alone make for a much easier lead flow. But don't just stop there.

With a little well-thought planning, and the right tools at your disposal, you could actually create, run, manage, and grow business relationships on autopilot, without ever picking up the phone. Tools your business needs, and uses every day, such as: Autoresponders, Customer Relationship Managers, Social Media Management Systems, Call Center Software, Payment and Accounting Systems, Employee Training Systems, and more are all available to you in today's busy marketplace.

Personally, I love the service provided by Rocket Business Tools. All of the systems and tools I need to help my business run and thrive are available to me and my business from one simple interface that can even be integrated with my company website and our available for me to fully control from the app on my phone. I used to have Getresponse for my email autoresponder, and RingCentral for my phone system, and even Hootsuite and Call Loop to run my social media and marketing campaigns. Each of them had their own systems to learn (which takes forever), their own logins to remember, their own service plans to buy, and never really spoke to one another like I thought they should, which created double and triple work for me. Now, I have Rocket Business Tools, and it's wonderful.

With Rocket Business Tools, all you need to do is pick a plan based on what software systems and tools you are going to need for your business. Everything in that plan works together as if it were all one software system, not individual parts. This cuts down on the workload you have to do, and the time needed to do it. They can even help you integrate the tools right into your company website. Its all run on the TW3 Systems platform which has been around for roughly 15yrs, so you know you're safe that all your work won't just be lost one day. During the pandemic, when most business were forced to close, TW3 Systems actually grew. I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon. That said, I still recommend frequent backups of your data as a general rule.

The Rocket Business Tools team also, works closely with the design department at Webhost Rocket which is my company. Because of this though, if you need a website designed to be great looking, and fully functional as well, that's a terrific situation. They'll work together with us to build you a perfect website with all the integrations needed to take charge of the marketspace you are in. Webhost Rocket is no slouch either though. I've been with a bunch of webhosting providers over the years and I will say this one is by far the best I've seen out there. I designed it that way. If you're a techy person, check out the specs below.

WebHost Rocket Hosting Specs:

  • 80,000 US Based Servers

  • Lightning Fast, 20GB/s webpage load speeds

  • NVMe Rade 1 Storage

  • Unlimited Bandwidth

  • Always On DDOS Protection

  • Modification Protection

  • Weekly Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware Sweeps

  • Nightly Backups

  • Can be seamlessly integrated with Rocket Business Tools

  • Can be integrated with ADA Violation Compliance Protection

So as you can see, having the Rocket Business Tools integrate with a new website hosted by Webhost Rocket is a pretty awesome combination. And when you put these two systems together, and launch your local marketing campaigns, you are going to find amazing results. They can even setup financing for you with their lending program at Rocket Business Finance. You can finance the entire project, including the web-design and hosting from us at Webhost Rocket as well. If you check them out and decide to sign up, let them know I sent you and I'll make a few bucks as well. If not, that's ok too.

Happy marketing!

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Founded by Chris Miller in 2019, The Miller Firms and its Companies have helped save our clients Millions of Dollars by reducing day-to-day operational costs and negotiating down high financing fees on loans, MCA, and more.

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